Pheasants in the Yard

Over the past week, we’ve had a flock of pheasants visiting our yard. In the picture above, two pheasants are in the lower right corner. I’ve counted at least 4 males and 4 females. They roost in the trees behind our house. When startled, the largest male makes a swooping glide from the roosting tree sounding the alert.

At first, we thought the pheasants were a normal part of Connecticut fauna. After all, we’ve observed wild turkey, cardinals, blue jays, and many other bird species. Alas, the pheasants are a fluke. The heavy snow two weeks ago damaged the coops at a nearby pheasant farm, releasing 4,000 birds. Here is the news story.

About Beth

Wife, mother of 2, worker bee - striving to balance roles and continually learn
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